Classic VRPs

This notebook shows how to use PyVRP to solve two classic variants of the VRP: the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP), and the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW). It builds on the tutorial by solving much larger instances, and going into more detail about the various plotting tools and diagnostics available in PyVRP.

A CVRP instance is defined on a complete graph \(G=(V,A)\), where \(V\) is the vertex set and \(A\) is the arc set. The vertex set \(V\) is partitioned into \(V=\{0\} \cup V_c\), where \(0\) represents the depot and \(V_c=\{1, \dots, n\}\) denotes the set of \(n\) customers. Each arc \((i, j) \in A\) has a weight \(d_{ij} \ge 0\) that represents the travel distance from \(i \in V\) to \(j \in V\). Each customer \(i \in V_c\) has a demand \(q_{i} \ge 0\). The objective is to find a feasible solution that minimises the total distance.

A VRPTW instance additionally incorporates time aspects into the problem. For the sake of exposition we assume the travel duration \(t_{ij} \ge 0\) is equal to the travel distance \(d_{ij}\) in this notebook. Each customer \(i \in V_c\) has a service time \(s_{i} \ge 0\) and a (hard) time window \(\left[e_i, l_i\right]\) that denotes the earliest and latest time that service can start. A vehicle is allowed to arrive at a customer location before the beginning of the time window, but it must wait for the window to open to start the delivery. Each vehicle must return to the depot before the end of the depot time window \(H\). The objective is to find a feasible solution that minimises the total distance.

Let’s first import what we will use in this notebook.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tabulate import tabulate
from vrplib import read_solution

from pyvrp import Model, read
from pyvrp.plotting import (
from pyvrp.stop import MaxIterations, MaxRuntime

The capacitated VRP

Reading the instance

We will solve the X-n439-k37 instance, which is part of the X instance set that is widely used to benchmark CVRP algorithms. The function reads the instance file and converts it to a ProblemData instance. We pass the argument round_func="round" to compute the Euclidean distances rounded to the nearest integral, which is the convention for the X benchmark set. We also load the best known solution to evaluate our solver later on.

INSTANCE = read("data/X-n439-k37.vrp", round_func="round")
BKS = read_solution("data/X-n439-k37.sol")

Let’s plot the instance and see what we have.

_, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
plot_coordinates(INSTANCE, ax=ax)

Solving the instance

We will again use the Model interface to solve the instance. The Model interface supports a convenient from_data method that can be used to instantiate a model from a known ProblemData object.

model = Model.from_data(INSTANCE)
result = model.solve(stop=MaxIterations(2000), seed=42, display=False)
Solution results
    # routes: 37
   # clients: 438
   objective: 36881
    distance: 36881
    duration: 36881
# iterations: 2000
    run-time: 86.57 seconds

Route #1: 335 72 411 3 169 2 8 311 434 105 59 231
Route #2: 97 400 299 386 267 410 349 223 425 133 370 348
Route #3: 172 202 308 406 41 275 92 260 26 236 217 414
Route #4: 42 239 281 218 392 57 296 375 43 345 385 404
Route #5: 270 381 312 438 166 435 162 346 228 71 155 326
Route #6: 250 418 416 407 366 122 145 200 139 206 347 211
Route #7: 44 422 353 115 380 227 249 325 121 195 149
Route #8: 237 393 280 245 421 110 409 388 225 303 241 360
Route #9: 437 233 324 229 268 377 433 337 391 242 342 221
Route #10: 126 66 339 83 293 89 412 17 384 403 428 402
Route #11: 323 257 271 338 309 297 86 315 352 264 372 423
Route #12: 420 396 319 329 266 351 432 413 321 243
Route #13: 25 334 144 431 197 7 344 88 173 118 91 154
Route #14: 283 246 138 376 47 286 350 341 98 137 251 146
Route #15: 65 159 15 153 215 193 285 101 252 289 253 383
Route #16: 1 140 274 113 116 196 75 56 22 210 80 130
Route #17: 333 31 5 426 367 6 131 61 189 79 176 204
Route #18: 207 134 397 62 90 109 371 390 184 395 287 387
Route #19: 58 161 361 331 220 240 340 108 330 19 248 430
Route #20: 28 343 389 327 255 302 408 152 177 135 157 24
Route #21: 73 34 230 67 16 112 378 21 181 84 4 132
Route #22: 124 99 77 216 106 182 78 256 96 179 81
Route #23: 222 310 171 13 103 117 63 74 354 209 11 244
Route #24: 165 265 313 174 291 160 292 382 192 235 175 401
Route #25: 417 368 290 424 300 363 356 125 190 30 259 364
Route #26: 178 394 379 301 37 10 64 123 272 198 214 357
Route #27: 183 320 234 405 168 95 52 328 213 279 114 316
Route #28: 53 163 151 142 219 205 150 284 269 120 332 399
Route #29: 199 39 232 336 304 419 369 188 273 224 282 170
Route #30: 164 51 35 322 374 208 141 100 27 54 186 128
Route #31: 180 48 12 85 306 20 111 148 314 107
Route #32: 68 69 277 45 49 94 212 46 40 247 167 38
Route #33: 203 201 76 119 127 102 87 158 29 129 191 70
Route #34: 194 50 18 307 14 262 261 258 93 373 436 36
Route #35: 398 317 226 278 33 23 294 318 298 288 55 263
Route #36: 254 9 295 358 359 365 429 355 276 415 427 156
Route #37: 238 32 82 147 60 104 185 143 305 362 187 136

gap = 100 * (result.cost() - BKS["cost"]) / BKS["cost"]
print(f"Found a solution with cost: {result.cost()}.")
print(f"This is {gap:.1f}% worse than the best known", end=" ")
print(f"solution, which is {BKS['cost']}.")
Found a solution with cost: 36881.
This is 1.3% worse than the best known solution, which is 36391.

We’ve managed to find a very good solution quickly!

The Result object also contains useful statistics about the optimisation. We can now plot these statistics as well as the final solution use plot_result.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 9))
plot_result(result, INSTANCE, fig)

PyVRP internally uses a genetic algorithm consisting of a population of feasible and infeasible solutions. These solutions are iteratively combined into new offspring solutions, that should result in increasingly better solutions. Of course, the solutions should not all be too similar: then there is little to gain from combining different solutions. The top-left Diversity plot tracks the average diversity of solutions in each of the feasible and infeasible solution populations. The Objectives plot gives an overview of the best and average solution quality in the current population. The bottom-left figure shows iteration runtimes in seconds. Finally, the Solution plot shows the best observed solution.

The VRP with time windows

Reading the instance

We start with a basic example that loads an instance and solves it using the standard configuration used by the Model interface. For the basic example we use one of the well-known Solomon instances.

We again use the function We pass the argument round_func="dimacs" following the DIMACS VRP challenge convention, this computes distances and durations truncated to one decimal place.

INSTANCE = read("data/RC208.vrp", round_func="dimacs")
BKS = read_solution("data/RC208.sol")

Let’s plot the instance and see what we have. The function plot_instance will plot time windows, delivery demands and coordinates, which should give us a good impression of what the instance looks like. These plots can also be produced separately by calling the appropriate plot_* function: see the API documentation for details.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plot_instance(INSTANCE, fig)

Solving the instance

We will again use the Model interface to solve the instance.

model = Model.from_data(INSTANCE)
result = model.solve(stop=MaxIterations(1000), seed=42, display=False)
Solution results
    # routes: 4
   # clients: 100
   objective: 7761
    distance: 7761
    duration: 17761
# iterations: 1000
    run-time: 4.11 seconds

Route #1: 90 65 82 99 52 83 64 49 19 18 48 21 23 25 77 58 75 97 59 87 74 86 57 24 22 20 66
Route #2: 94 92 95 67 62 50 34 31 29 27 26 28 30 32 33 76 89 63 85 51 84 56 91 80
Route #3: 61 42 44 39 38 36 35 37 40 43 41 72 71 93 96 54 81
Route #4: 69 98 88 2 6 7 79 73 78 12 14 47 17 16 15 13 9 11 10 53 60 8 46 4 45 5 3 1 70 100 55 68

cost = result.cost() / 10
gap = 100 * (cost - BKS["cost"]) / BKS["cost"]
print(f"Found a solution with cost: {cost}.")
print(f"This is {gap:.1f}% worse than the optimal solution,", end=" ")
print(f"which is {BKS['cost']}.")
Found a solution with cost: 776.1.
This is 0.0% worse than the optimal solution, which is 776.1.

We’ve managed to find a (near) optimal solution in a few seconds!

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 9))
plot_result(result, INSTANCE, fig)

We can also inspect some statistics of the different routes, such as route distance, various durations, the number of stops and total delivery amount.

solution =
routes = solution.routes()

data = [
        "num_stops": len(route),
        "distance": route.distance(),
        "service_duration": route.service_duration(),
        "wait_duration": route.wait_duration(),
        "time_warp": route.time_warp(),
    for route in routes

tabulate(data, headers="keys", tablefmt="html")
num_stops distance service_duration wait_duration time_warpdelivery
27 2187 2700 0 0[4650]
24 1983 2400 0 0[3810]
17 1325 1700 0 0[2860]
32 2266 3200 0 0[5920]

We can inspect the routes in more detail using the plot_route_schedule function. This will plot distance on the x-axis, and time on the y-axis, separating actual travel/driving time from waiting and service time. The clients visited are plotted as grey vertical bars indicating their time windows. In some cases, there is slack in the route indicated by a semi-transparent region on top of the earliest time line. The grey background indicates the remaining load of the truck during the route, where the (right) y-axis ends at the vehicle capacity.

fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 9))
for idx, (ax, route) in enumerate(zip(axarr.flatten(), routes)):
        title=f"Route {idx}",
        legend=idx == 0,


Each route begins at a given start_time, that can be obtained as follows. Note that this start time is typically not zero, that is, routes do not have to start immediately at the beginning of the time horizon.

solution =
shortest_route = min(solution.routes(), key=len)


Some of the statistics presented in the plots above can also be obtained from the route schedule, as follows:

data = [
        "start_service": visit.start_service,
        "end_service": visit.end_service,
        "service_duration": visit.service_duration,
        "wait_duration": visit.wait_duration,  # if vehicle arrives early
    for visit in shortest_route.schedule()

tabulate(data, headers="keys", tablefmt="html")
start_service end_service service_duration wait_duration
3149 3249 100 0
3429 3529 100 0
3549 3649 100 0
3702 3802 100 0
3822 3922 100 0
3980 4080 100 0
4100 4200 100 0
4236 4336 100 0
4394 4494 100 0
4544 4644 100 0
4748 4848 100 0
4959 5059 100 0
5160 5260 100 0
5310 5410 100 0
5473 5573 100 0
5633 5733 100 0
5796 5896 100 0

Solving a larger VRPTW instance

To show that PyVRP can also handle much larger instances, we will solve one of the largest Gehring and Homberger VRPTW benchmark instances. The selected instance - RC2_10_5 - has 1000 clients.

INSTANCE = read("data/RC2_10_5.vrp", round_func="dimacs")
BKS = read_solution("data/RC2_10_5.sol")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 9))
plot_instance(INSTANCE, fig)

Here, we will use a runtime-based stopping criterion: we give the solver 30 seconds to compute.

model = Model.from_data(INSTANCE)
result = model.solve(stop=MaxRuntime(30), seed=42, display=False)
cost = result.cost() / 10
gap = 100 * (cost - BKS["cost"]) / BKS["cost"]
print(f"Found a solution with cost: {cost}.")
print(f"This is {gap:.1f}% worse than the best-known solution,", end=" ")
print(f"which is {BKS['cost']}.")
Found a solution with cost: 27368.6.
This is 6.1% worse than the best-known solution, which is 25797.5.
plot_result(result, INSTANCE)


In this notebook, we used PyVRP’s Model interface to solve a CVRP instance with 438 clients to near-optimality, as well as several VRPTW instances, including a large 1000 client instance. Moreover, we demonstrated how to use the plotting tools to visualise the instance and statistics collected during the search procedure.